If you would like NELA/NY to file an amicus brief, in order to consider your request the Amicus Committee needs a detailed description of (1) the procedural context of the case, including all relevant deadlines; (2) a detailed description of the legal issues (if you have already written a memorandum or brief you may include that); (3) a copy of the decision and briefs below, and when available the parties’ appellate briefs; and (4) an explanation of why this is an important issue that NELA/NY should support.
You must submit items 1-4 in an email, which may include attachments, at least eight weeks prior to the filing deadline, or earlier if possible. Once you submit your email, you will receive a response, via email, from the Committee within one week or less, with an answer or a request for a conference call if we need more information. When applying, bear in mind that you may be asked to provide assistance to the Committee.